Art Paris Art Fair 2013

posted in: Art Paris, Exhibitions 0

Between 2006 and 2013, Art Paris Art Fair has been supporting Artists4Life, which approach closely combines humanitarian action, and the world of art and creation. For the 2013 edition, the NGO presented, in collaboration with “Blachère Foundation” an exhibition of … Read More

Art Paris 2012

posted in: Art Paris, Exhibitions 0

Designing Hope at ArtParis ArtFair 2012 Since 2006, Art Paris supports Designing Hope by offering the opportunity to present at the fair, its project involving contemporary artists for HIV prevention campaign. In 2012, ArtParis Artfair welcomes the NGO for an … Read More

ArtParis 2010

posted in: Art Paris 0

ARTPARIS+GUESTS welcomes for the 4th time Dessine l’Espoir with a special event this year: A charity diner will be hold at the opening of the fair benefiting the NGO, followed by the exhibition of photographs from Armin Pflanz: “Faces of … Read More

ArtParis 2009

posted in: Art Paris, Exhibitions 0

For the fourth consecutive year ART PARIS invites Designing Hope to present a selection of artworks as part of Artists4life exhibition. Carole BENZAKEN, Jean-Christophe BALLOT, Jérôme BTESH, François BOISROND, Patricia ERBELDING, ERRO, Elodie LACHAUD, MISS.TIC, Ricardo MOSNER, Régis SENEQUE, Tony … Read More

ArtParis 2008

posted in: Art Paris, Exhibitions 0

For the third time, Art Paris invites Designing Hope to present a selecting of artworks as part of Artists4Life. Alexei Riboud, Ben (courtesy of Galerie Lara Vincy), Bryan McCormack, Denis Darzacq, Jean-Christophe Ballot, Jacques Halbert, Maya Hewitt, Ma Tsé Lin, … Read More