Artists4life in Mozambique

An exhibition was organized on the 1st december 2006 where artworks from 20 artists in Maputo were exhibited at the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Centre, while a similar initiative was happening at the Alliance Francaise in Johannesburg. and a competition was organiszed in Swaziland with the support of the Baylor Clinic of Mbabane, inviting youngsters to interpret the message “I Love You Positive or Negative.

Astreint were selected by a jury including : Julieta Macimbe, director of Maputo’s National museum of Art, Victor Sala, director of the National School of Visual Arts ofMaputo, Jorge Dias, a journalist at “Meia Noite”, Anesia Manjate, artists from “Muvart” group of artists and Cyrille Varet, president of Dessine l’Espoir.

  • The artists

List of selected artists: André Macie, Octàvio Bento Mondlane, Danilson Almeida Cumbane, Antonio Horacio Sitoe, Màrio Pedro Zacarias Sotoe, Titos Moises Pelembe, Titos Salamâo Langa, David Pinto Calvo Agacheiro, Lourenço Abner Tsenane.